As you know from my first post ever, I am a big Justin Bieber fan or rather I call myself Belieber. Yesss there are not only 12-year-old girls who like Justin Bieber. In any case, I have been to several concerts (two times in Zurich and one time in Holland) and at my first concert I was lucky enough to meet Justin. In this blog post I want to tell you how it came about and how it was. Even if it is already a bit ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday.
When Justin Bieber came to Switzerland for the first time, I was not the biggest fan yet, so it was not surprising that I had totally missed buying tickets to his concert. Over time, I listened to his music more and more and also celebrated it accordingly. When I inquired about concert tickets, they were nowhere to be found. Then it started with my morbid search for tickets. I have written in every forum, looked at ebay but I found nothing. Except some overpriced tickets that a student can not afford. I’ve also picked out every imaginable competition and participated. I really spent every free minute trying to find tickets and not just a few days, two fucking months. At a contest by orange (a mobile communications company) luck was on my side. You had to write a text, why you deserve the tickets. I put my heart into this text and made a drawing to show “hey guys, I really want that”. I remember exactly how I went home with my bicycle and just before my home I looked on my former iPod Touch (I was not a cellphone type), who had just connected to an open wi-fi. And there it was, the notification that I had won the Justin fucking Bieber tickets including the meet & greet. I almost fell off the bicycle and that is not a lie. Even though I think back now, that was one of the happiest moments of my life. Shortly thereafter, 20 minutes (a Swiss commuter newspaper) came to me for an interview. Well, that’s another Story. Anyway, luck was on my side. Of course there were also envious people and I got bad messages. They told me I did not deserve to meet Justin and he would die at my sight. These words hurt me somehow but in the end I think, I met him and they didn’t. On the topic I did not deserve, I can only say it’s been four years and I’m still one of his “followers” so I think I definitely deserved it.
So then the day came, the 8th April 2011. In the afternoon my best friend Bettina and I went to the Hallenstadion Zurich. I won two tickets (including meet & greet) so I was allowed to take her with me. We gathered with the other winners of the individual competitions in front of the side entrance. Here I should perhaps mention that in 2011 there were no meet & greets with Justin to buy, you exclusively to win them. Anyway, everyone got a purple bracelet, which should indicate that we are allowed to see Justin. When we were complete, we went through the side entrance in to the Hallenstadion. In the lobby we should divide into larger groups. We were lucky enough to go in with just one other person. Other People were groups of four and more people. I think that we had such luck, because the girl who was with us was the goddaughter of the Swiss boss of Universal so it was okay to be just three persons instead of four to six. When it was our turn, I went first to the small room where Justin was. I have to say I had weak knees and did not really realized anything at all. It was like being in a cotton ball. Justin stood on the wall, opposite of a photographer and a few more people. He greeted me, JUSTIN BIEBER greeted me and smiled at me with his dreamlike face. It was really like a dream, it felt so unreal. I know he is also only human, but his music gave me a lot of hope in a bad time. I did not quite know what I’m doing and have stood next to him. Put my right arm around his waist and stared at him. At that moment, it occurred to me that a classmate wanted to know if he really had such clean skin, as he advertised a skin product at this time. Yes, his skin was really great – unlike mine back then. The next thing I thought about was “LOOK INTO THE CAMERA AND TRY TO LOOK LIKE A NORMAL GIRL”. I succeed halfway. After one photo was shot, he said goodbye to us and we had to get out. The whole thing went at all 30 seconds or less. We had no time to talk to him but I curse myself today that I have not used this opportunity better and I hugged him like a teddy bear. Well, I was just young and stupid and totally out of this world at this moment. Since we were not allowed to give Justin anything, I chatted to one of his security and said that he should give the song I wrote for Justin to him please. He assured me that he will give it to him. I can not say if he has told the truth, but I doubt it. As soon as we were outside, I had a nervous breakdown and started to cry. I still remember how I said to the girls around me that I could die now because this was the best day in my life. A short time later we went through the ticket control to our really good seats. Still flashed by what just happened, we enjoyed the concert. What would I give to experience exactly this day again.

This is the original picture we got. Not even the quality is good. Incidentally, I’m the one on the right side (yes I looked a little different).
Small Fun Fact: The half-high school had skipped school this Friday because of the concert and all flew on including me. That was a mass detention.
Update Nov. 2017: Meanwhile I met my idol for the second time. Here you can read all about the experience.